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How to describe Brinkmann other than a tireless seeker of perfection?
In the UK, prices are reasonable and support is excellent. No one surpasses the Music Room’s knowledge and experience of these products.
Here is our overview of a wide range which represents a life’s work, distilled:
Magnetic Drive: 3 models:
TAURUS*, BARDO*, and OASIS 10th Anniversary Numbered Edition.***
Belt-Drive 2 models:
* option with 2 armboard; ** you may add 2-4 armboards;*** comes with 10.1 arm.
Four Arms:
10.0 and 12.0 basically unipivot; 10.1 and 12.1 are gimbal.
Four Power Supplies:
Performance, TraNt, RönT.
"See us at the NorthWest Audio Show, 22-23 June 2024"
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